
A look back at the conference on "Animal testing and society: past and current issues from a philosophical, legal and communications perspective"

On February 3, the conference on "Animal testing and society: past and current issues from a philosophical, legal and communications perspective" was held via Teams.

Some 250 of you attended this unique event, organized jointly by the Committee for Ethics in Animal Experimentation (CETEA), the Center for Animal Resources and Research (C2RA) and the Department of Communications and Fundraising at the Institut Pasteur.

The conference, which lasted an entire afternoon, was an opportunity to explore the philosophical and legal aspects that led to the ethical and regulatory context currently governing research projects using animals. The speakers also discussed how this context might change in the future and spoke about the importance of communication between research stakeholders and society.

A short survey will be sent today to everyone who registered for this conference. This is to allow the organizers to obtain your assessment of the format and the various interventions, as well as to understand your expectations and needs for future meetings on this topic. Thank you for your participation.

If you were unable to attend, a video of the event is now available online.

To watch, click here (you may be asked to enter your Pasteur email login details)

