
reConnect Scientific Days on March 6

In connection with its annual progress report, the reConnect IHU is organizing a series of reConnect Scientific Days, the first of which will take place on March 6 in the CIS auditorium, from 9am to 5.30pm.

This day of scientific presentations, open to Institut Pasteur staff, will provide details about the work of the reConnect IHU since it was founded and offer an opportunity for discussion about the research topics on which it focuses.

The lunch for the event is exclusively for reConnect IHU members who have registered for the entire day.


About the reconnect IHU

The reConnect University Hospital Institute (IHU) is a foundation aimed at developing therapies for hearing and speech impairments, under the aegis of the Institut Pasteur and led by founding members the Hearing Institute – an Institut Pasteur Center with the Fondation Pour l'Audition – the Paris Public Hospital Network (AP-HP), université Paris Cité and Inserm.

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