February 18, 2022
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
This conference is organized jointly by the Committee for Ethics in Animal Experimentation (CETEA) and the Center for Animal Resources and Research (C2RA) at the Institut Pasteur.
Following a presentation of the missions and achievements of the bodies responsible for supervising the implementation of projects using animals for scientific purposes at the Institut Pasteur, together with an overview of the latest developments in the promotion of the 3Rs at the Institut Pasteur and in France, participants will discuss areas for improvement.
To close the event, the organizers will have the pleasure of inviting Joëlle Proust to give a lecture on the philosophical issues involved in supervising projects and their neuroscientific basis. Joëlle Proust, a philosopher and Emeritus Director of Research at the CNRS, is the author of several acclaimed works on the topic (Comment l'esprit vient aux bêtes: Essai sur la représentation, Gallimard, 1997; Les animaux pensent-ils? Bayard, 2003, second edition, 2010). She has also served on the French national committee for ethical reflection on animal testing and was involved in the drafting of the French National Charter on the Ethics of Animal Testing.
The conference program is as follows:
2-2.10pm: Introduction – Benoit Robert, Chairman of the CETEA; Jean Jaubert, Director of the C2RA
2.10-3.10pm: Presentation of the work involved in authorizing and implementing projects using animals for scientific purposes
• 2.10-2.30pm: Nine years of authorizing projects: the CETEA reaches the age of reason – Benoit Robert (Chairman of the CETEA)
• 2.30-2.50pm: The 3Rs: animal welfare on a daily basis – Myriam Mattei (Head of the SBEA1)
• 2.50-3.10pm: Support for planning experiments on campus: the work of the Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Hub. 2018-2021 report – Émeline Perthame (Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Hub)
1Structure du bien-être animal
3.10-4.10pm: Latest developments regarding the 3Rs
• 3.10-3.30pm: Areas for reflection on how to optimize the production and use of animals at the Institut Pasteur – Vincent Martin-Schmets ("Optimization of animal use" working group)
• 3.30-3.50pm: Role and tasks of the GIS FC3R*: "For responsible, innovative research" – Athanassia Sotiropoulos (Director of the GIS FC3R)
3.50-4.10pm: Discussion session (questions and answers; discussion of areas for improvement in the system for assessing and implementing projects at the Institut Pasteur)
4.10-5pm: Guest lecture – Thinking is not unique to humans – Joëlle Proust**
5-5.20pm – Questions and conclusion
* : https://presse.inserm.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/2021_11_19_CP_FC3R.pdf
** : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jo%C3%ABlle_Proust
The conference will take place via video conference on Teams and is open to all Institut Pasteur staff.
Prior registration is required so that you can be sent the link to connect to the conference. To register, please email cetea@pasteur.fr.
We hope that lots of you will be able to take part in this event on a topic that is the focus of considerable debate.