Invitation to attend the inauguration of the exhibition "The Pasteurian Spirit" on March 15 as the entire Institut Pasteur community comes together to showcase its shared values

As you know, this year the Institut Pasteur is commemorating the bicentenary of the birth of its founder, Louis Pasteur (see the December 3, 2021 issue of the newsletter). With this tribute to the scientist who left his mark on the history of research in the service of health, 2022 will also celebrate a unique and lasting legacy rooted in the "Pasteurian Spirit."

Today the Pasteurian Spirit continues to inspire and drive all the members of the Institut Pasteur community, in France and worldwide. The Pasteurian Spirit, instilled in us for more than 130 years, is based on three enduring scientific and humanitarian convictions, driven by a desire to understand the living world, to improve human health and to pass on knowledge to future generations.

To mark the commemoration of the bicentenary of Louis Pasteur's birth and promote the values upheld by those involved in Pasteurian research today, the Institut Pasteur is launching an exhibition entitled "The Pasteurian Spirit."
Housed in the entrance hall of the historical Émile Duclaux building, it will run throughout 2022 and will be the focal point of several events organized to mark the bicentenary.

The Institut Pasteur management team is pleased to invite you to the launch of this exhibition of unprecedented dimensions, featuring a scenography that interacts with the building's architecture in a playful, modern and colorful way, live via Teams on March 15 at 11.30am. The launch event will mark the official opening of the exhibition and will give you an opportunity to explore what it evokes for you personally, as it reflects the work and spirit of an entire community.

Make sure you don't miss the next issue of the newsletter, which will contain the link for the launch event to celebrate the opening of the exhibition "The Pasteurian Spirit."

We hope that as many of you as possible will save the date of March 15 as we join together to showcase our shared Pasteurian values among the Institut Pasteur community. You will also find out more about various upcoming events and activities that you can take part in!


Dessin réalisé par l'artiste Fabrice Hyber
