
Novel coronavirus: visit from the Chinese Ambassador, new recommendations for travel and returning travelers

  • The Chinese Ambassador to France visits the Institut Pasteur

On Friday February 14, 2020, Stewart Cole, President of the Institut Pasteur, played host to His Excellency Mr Lu Shaye, Chinese Ambassador to France, who was visiting the Institut Pasteur to show support both personally and on behalf of his country for the Institut Pasteur’s efforts in response to the novel coronavirus outbreak. The visit provided an opportunity to introduce the ambassador and his delegation to teams of scientists assigned to monitoring the outbreak and present research projects launched under the auspices of the new task force with a view to tackling the outbreak in partnership with the health authorities and other relevant institutions. It also offered a chance to highlight the commitment shown by all member institutes of the Institut Pasteur International Network in Paris, Shanghai and throughout the world.

Find out more


  • Traveling to and returning from China: update of the recommendations concerning the outbreak

In light of the ongoing outbreak of the novel coronavirus, now considered by WHO as a public health emergency of international concern, and given the new guidelines issued by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, the Institut Pasteur has taken the following measures:
All business travel to China will be postponed unless it is absolutely imperative. Institut Pasteur staff are also formally requested to postpone any private travel to China. Business travel to other destinations in Asia is permitted, subject to compliance with the procedure for missions to sensitive countries. But when planning such missions, it must be taken into consideration that the situation may worsen in ways that cannot be predicted at the current time. Any tightening of restrictions on travel in Asia may potentially affect such missions or the return to France of any individuals currently on mission.

In accordance with the recommendations of the French Ministry of Health, staff returning from China will be required to work from home for 14 days following their arrival in France and to strictly adhere to the following guidelines:

♦ Monitor and make a note of your temperature twice a day, and:
-Wear a surgical mask around friends and family and if you leave the home.
-Avoid any non-essential activities (cinema, restaurants, evenings out, etc.) and places where there are likely to be vulnerable individuals (hospitals, maternity clinics, rest homes, etc.).
-Wash your hands regularly.
♦ If you develop a fever or feel feverish, or if you have a cough or breathing difficulties:
- Immediately dial 15 (France's emergency medical services) and inform them that you have recently returned from China.
-Do not go to the doctor or to a hospital emergency department.

For more informations about news and actions taken in connection with the epidemic, see the dedicated page on Webcampus (in French).
