sustainable development

Report on the conference on January 24, 2023: Carbon footprint and EcoLeaders

The Sustainable Development Department would like to thank all those who attended this conference on carbon footprints in research, with speakers Marion Avet from the Labos 1point5 collective (who is also running a webinar on February 15, 2023 from 10am to 12 noon on "Why and how should we initiate a transition in laboratories?" For more information, click here) and Caroline Giuglaris and Jean de Seze from the Institut Curie.

The conference was also an opportunity to present:

  • the preliminary results of the carbon footprint analysis performed at the Hearing Institute and the next stages that will lead to a carbon footprint analysis being carried out at the Institut Pasteur;

  • the EcoLeaders community with the official launch of a call for applications.

The videos and links to the presentations at the event are available here

Thank you to those who took the time to fill out the EcoLeader questionnaire. The results will be added to the Webcampus page by the end of February.

As the questionnaire was anonymous, if you did not indicate your details you will need to confirm your application in writing at the following address:

For those interested in becoming EcoLeaders, a Doodle poll has been set up to decide on a date for the kick-off meeting (early March).

A Climate Fresk workshop will be held on April 4, 2023 and a training course to become a Climate Fresk facilitator will be held on June 8, 2023 so that we can run our own Climate Fresk sessions on campus. As spaces for these two events are limited, further sessions will be organized depending on the number of people interested.

If you have any questions, please email

