
Four scientists working at the Institut Pasteur awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant

The European Research Council (ERC) provides funding for scientific research in Europe by means of various grants. The aim is to attract the best international scientists and to encourage them to pursue their research in Europe.

On January 31, 2023, the ERC unveiled the list of the 321 recipients of its Consolidator Grants. The grants, aimed at mid-career researchers, are worth two to three million euros over a five-year period for the development of ambitious, innovative research projects. After three scientists working at the Institut Pasteur were recently selected as recipients of Synergy Grants and three more for Starting Grants, this time four scientists have been selected as laureates:


Massimiliano Bonomi, Head of the Integrative Structural Biology of Dynamic Systems group in the Structural Bioinformatics Unit and a CNRS research associate, for his project bAIes (Integrative, AI-aided Inference of Protein Structure and Dynamics)


Rayan Chikhi, Head of the Sequence Bioinformatics five-year group, for his project IndexThePlanet (Planetary-Scale Indexing of Sequencing Data)


Romain Levayer, Head of the Cell Death and Epithelial Homeostasis Unit, for his project PrApEDoC (Predicting Apoptosis Engagement Downstream of Caspases in vivo)




Liliana Mancio Silva, Group Head in the Biology of Host-Parasite Interactions Unit and Inserm research associate, for her project DEXES (Mechanisms of Dormancy, Activation and Sexual Conversion in Pre-erythrocytic Malaria Parasites)



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