January 10, 2020
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
Are you interested in contributing to the development of a health-related project or a young start-up? Then come along to this discussion evening, where you can meet project leaders and offer your expertise to help move their projects forward.
The aim of this event is to offer project leaders and/or young start-ups in the stages of incubation or acceleration the opportunity to meet people interested in contributing to the development of their projects, whether as an external resource, an associate or a potential co-founder.
What you need to know:
Date: January 28, 2020, 5 to 8pm
Venue: CIS auditorium, Institut Pasteur – 28, rue du Docteur Roux, Paris
Program for the evening:
• 5-6pm: Arrival and welcome of contributors
• 6-8pm: Pitches by project leaders (3 mins each) followed by open-table discussions
Several partners are contributing to this event: Institut Imagine, Brain and Spine Institute (ICM), Institut Curie, Université PSL, Genopole, Agoranov, Paris Biotech Santé, Wilco, SATT Paris-Saclay, EUR GENE, Deeptech Founders, Hub HEC Santé, LallianSe, DIM ELICIT, Find your Cofounder, AI for Health, and the Institut Pasteur's Pasteur-Paris University (PPU) International Doctoral Program (H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2014 PASTEURDOC). The event is supported by Bpifrance and the Greater Paris Regional Council. "We Are One" will be involved in the organizational aspects and will help run the evening.
80 to 120 participants are expected to attend the event.
Registeras a contributor by January 17 (spaces are limited)