Human resources

Recruitment campaign for dual-education students for 2020-2021

The Institut Pasteur's recruitment campaign for dual-education students for 2020-2021 has now begun. This training scheme lasts a minimum of 6 months, with students alternating between periods at their educational establishment and in the host unit.

Apprenticeship contracts and work-study contracts are aimed at students under the age of 30 who are looking to learn a profession over a period of time while gaining work experience.

Any units interested in this scheme are invited to submit a DAR (vacancy/hosting request) using the "Alternance" (dual education) form in the Career Portal (Talentsoft) > "Mon Talentsoft" (My Talentsoft) > "Saisir un besoin de recrutement ou d'accueil" (Enter a requirement) by January 31, 2020 at the latest.

To find out more, please consult the page on dual education at the Institut Pasteur

Download the memo for unit heads

Access the Career Portal (Talentsoft)


