January 12, 2024
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
In order to stabilize the local network connection and overcome the problems encountered with the current solution, the technical IT teams will gradually update the network equipment (switch connectors) on a building-by-building basis, according to the following schedule :
January 14: CIS, Calmette.
January 16: Metchnikoff, Laveran, Monod.
January 18: Fernbach and BioTop.
January 21: Borrel, Darré, The 25.
January 23: François Jacob Center.
January 24: François Jacob Center, Lwoff.
January 25: Sergent Building, Duclaux, Roux, Nicolle and Nocard.
January 28: Building 8, Administrative Building, Yersin, Veil, 205 Vaugirard, Emile Roux, Social Building and Louis Martin.
January 29: The Hearing Institute
January 30: Medical Center and 180 Vaugirard.
Disruptions and outages are to be expected on wired and Wi-Fi connections.
To ensure the least possible inconvenience, operations will take place outside business hours, in the evening, from 9pm, for around 1-2 hours.
Thank you in advance for your understanding.