sustainable development

Carbon footprint, EcoLeaders and lab clearout: the latest sustainable development news

•   Reminder: conference on January 24 on carbon footprints and EcoLeaders

The Sustainable Development Department is pleased to invite you to a conference on carbon footprints on January 24, 2023, from 9am to 12 noon. The event will feature the participation of the Labos 1.5 collective and two people from the Institut Curie and will include a call for applications to establish an EcoLeader community.

The program and more information are available here

If you are interested in this event, please fill in the following form

The event will take place in the Jules Bordet room and on Teams.

It will also be recorded and available to watch online the next day.

If you have any questions about carbon footprints, please contact us at

If your questions are about EcoLeaders, please email


•    Save the date: come along to the lab clearout in the Darré-Borrel buildings on January 24

The Real Estate and Technical Department is holding a lab clearout in the Darré-Borrel buildings on January 24, from 9am to 5pm. The buildings need to be completely emptied by January 30 so that the first dismantling work can start.

The aim of the clearout is to encourage reuse of items from the labs (small equipment and lab furniture as well as consumables) so that items in good condition are not thrown into the skip.

The building will be open on a help-yourself basis – areas not covered by the initiative and items that have already been reserved for another purpose will be indicated.

The Real Estate and Technical Department would like to draw your attention to two points:
-    No removal service can be requested for any items you wish to take, so only take what you can carry easily yourself.
-    If you wish to take any inventoried equipment (labeled with an inventory ID), you will need to email Céline Didier ( to indicate that the item has changed owners.

If you have any questions about the initiative, please email Céline Didier (



