
Upcoming "Start-up breakfast" session on February 2

The next Start-up breakfast will be held on Tuesday, February 2, 2021, at 8:30 am via Teams with Nadia Khelef as a guest.

Nadia Khelef is Head of Public Private Partnerships - Acceleration of Innovation at DARRI, in charge of mobilizing collaborations and funding to support the Institut Pasteur innovations. She leads notably the relationship with the European Innovation and Technology for Health (EIT Health)
Nadia has worked as a researcher for 17 years in microbial pathogenesis and cellular microbiology, including her Ph.D. obtained in 1993 from University Paris XI. She worked as a researcher at the Institut Pasteur for nine years after her 3-year postdoc at Weill Medical College of Cornell University and Columbia University. She published numerous papers and is co‐inventor of an exploited patent. From 2007, Nadia has led successively the Grants office and European Affairs at the Institut Pasteur for 5 years, was member of the team that founded Bioaster (the 1st French Health Technological Research Institute) and was, for 5 years representative of the Institut Pasteur International Network at WHO and at different global health and international funding organizations. She has also served as a diplomatic advisor to the French Minister of Higher Education and Research in 2013-2014. Nadia is expert for WHO and for the European Commission for Research and Innovation programs. She has been a member of the Horizon 2020 Marie Slodowska Curie Advisory Committee. She is auditor and active participant of IHEST (Institut des Hautes Etudes pour la Science et la Technologie), involved in promoting the scientific culture and a better dialogue between science and society. In her different roles, Nadia has been advocating for biomedical research and global health, specifically for the fight against infectious diseases as well as tackling the needs of resources-limited countries and neglected populations.

Nadia will present the main activities of DARRI, how to better interact with DARRI teams to support your scientific activities, introducing the Pasteur Accelerator of Innovation and the process of startup creation. You will also learn from DARRI members' professional profiles as a potential source of inspiration for young researchers planning a career beyond the lab perspective.

Please come and listen to her dynamic and fruitful experiences and learn how DARRI can support your future innovation projects.

To register, send a mail to the Startup Awareness office (

