January 26, 2024
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The Waste, Sterilization and Premises Maintenance (DSE) Department is on hand to answer your questions about:
how chemical and biological waste is managed and what happens to it (Guide to recycling chemical waste /Guide to recycling biological waste) :
o Chemical waste (65 tons/year)
o Biological waste (medical and infectious waste – DASRI) (200 tons/year)
how recyclable materials collected on site and sent to be recycled are managed and what happens to them (click here) :
o Paper/cardboard (110 tons/year);
o Glass packaging (4 tons/year);
o PET (polyethylene terephthalate) plastic (1 ton/year);
o Polystyrene (collection resumed at the beginning of 2024);
o Polypropylene tip boxes from BSL-1 and BSL-2 laboratories (13 tons/year);
o Aluminum (clean aluminum cans and foil from BSL-1 and BSL-2 laboratories) (0.5 tons/year);
o Organic waste – leftover food from the company restaurant (2.7 tons/year);
o Guide to sorting recyclable materials
Guides to recycling and disposing of hazardous and non-hazardous waste from campus, recycled materials, and posters are also available on the Waste, Sterilization and Premises Maintenance Department intranet page, in French and English (click here)
Feel free to contact the department's teams, who are available and would be delighted to answer your questions (email dechets@pasteur.fr).
More efficient sorting = more recycling!
Our team