
News - January 29, 2016

  • ZOOM SUR: Ouverture des appels à candidature pour les Prix de l’Académie Nationale de Médecine (ANM).

Notamment : Prix Louis-Jeantet de Médecine (2 prix); Prix Eloi Collery; Prix Drieu-Cholet; ; Prix Aimée et Raymond Mande; Prix Jansen; Prix Deschiens de l'Académie Nationale de Médecine; Prix Sézary Albert; Prix Charles Achard; Prix Maurice-Louis Girard; Prix Amélie Marcel

En savoir plus

Date limite: 15/02/2016.

Les candidats ayant obtenu un prix de l’Académie  ne sont pas autorisés à effectuer une nouvelle demande pendant les six années suivantes 



  • European association for study of diabetes (EASD) - Minkowski Prize 2016

Purpose: the 2016 Minkowski Prize (formerly sponsored by Sanofi) aims at encouraging research contributing to the advancement of knowledge concerning diabetes mellitus
Amount: € 20,000 plus travel expenses.
- the candidate must be less than 45 years of age on 1 January 2016.
- the research shall have been carried out by a person normally residing in Europe.
- publications contributing to the advancement of knowledge concerning diabetes mellitus wil be decisive. - nominations or re-nominations should be made on the application form and sent by pdf via e-mail with all the required enclosures to:
The recipient of the Prize is expected to give the 51st Minkowski Lecture describing his/her most important scientific achievements during the 52nd EASD Annual Meeting which will be held in Munich, Germany, from 12 - 16 September 2016.
To find out more

Deadline: 15/02/2016


  • European Society of Endocrinology / Ipsen - 2016 Geoffrey Harris Prize 

Purpose: This prestigious annual prize is designed for established researchers in the field of neuroendocrinology and is the first of its kind in Europe.

The prize will be presented at the annual European Congress of Endocrinology, where the winner will be asked to give one of the main lectures, in addition to two other lectures at future ESE scientific meetings.

Application details:

- Nominations for the prize are invited from any scientific organisation or administrative group and must be submitted by email to the ESE Office:

- The candidate must be a member of ESE and self-nominations will not be accepted.

Amount: €12,000

Deadline:  permanent call (next deadline: 28/02/2016)

  • Institut National du Cancer (INCA) - Appels à projets et à candidatures de plusieurs Programmes de l'INCA

L'Institut national du cancer finance les appels suivants:
Programme de recherche médico-économique en cancérologie (PRME-K-2016)
Recherche translationnelle en cancérologie INCa-DGOS (PRT-K-2016)
Programme hospitalier de recherche clinique en cancérologie (PHRC-K-2016)

En savoir plus

Date limite: 03/03/2016 (lettre d'intention)



  • Sidaction - Appel d'offres scientifique et médical

Objet: soutenir tous les domaines de la recherche biomédicale, fondamentale, appliquée et clinique sur le VIH/sida ainsi que les projets de recherche sur les co-infections et pathologies associées à visée thérapeutique et attribuer également des aides aux équipes de recherche et des financements nominatifs aux jeunes chercheurs:


- appel ouvert à tous chercheurs et disciplines en relation avec VIH/sida et la prise en charge des patients

- approches multidisciplinaires bienvenues

- projets de recherche en France (laboratoires publics, services cliniques et organismes à but non lucratif) et dans les Pays En Développement (collaborations scientifiques et financières avec une structure de recherche publique ou associative française)


1) Aide aux équipes de recherche: durée 24 mois; pour couvrir les frais de fonctionnement, d'équipement, de rémunération de personnel

2) Aide aux jeunes chercheurs:

- doctorat, première inscription en thèse à la rentrée 2016/ 2017 (durée: 3 ans)

- doctorat, dernière année de thèse, (3ème ou 4ème inscription, en 2016/ 2017), (durée: 12 mois maximum)

- post-doctorat (durée : 24 mois maximum);

- recherche en tant que médecins ou pharmaciens (durée : 24 mois maximum) ;

3) Financement de thèse: durée: 3 ans

En savoir plus

Date limite: 04/03/2016 13:00



  • National Institutes of Health (NIH) - Oocyte Mitochondrial Function in Relation to Fertility, Aging, and Mitochondrial Diseases (R21)

 Purpose: to support outstanding research in the area of oocyte mitochondrial function in relation to fertility, aging, and mitochondrial disease transmission to offspring in order to gain fundamental insight into the role of mitochondria and long-term consequences of their dysfunction in the oocyte, to develop therapeutic or alternative approaches to treat mitochondrial dysfunction for improving oocyte quality and competency, and health of the resultant offspring.
Budget and duration: direct costs are limited to $275,000 over the 2-year period maximum duration of the project, with a maximum of $200,000 to be requested in any single year.
Standard dates apply: March 16, July 16, November 16 by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization
Expiration Date: May 8, 2019

Several dates apply: next 16/03/2016

To find out more



  • Fondation maladies rares - Call 2016 : High throughput screening of therapeutic molecules and rare diseases

Purpose: to support projects aimed at identifying molecules with potential benefit in the treatment of rare diseases.

This call for proposals is open to research projects covering all rare disease.

Funding : maximal amount of € 25,000

To find out more.Deadline: 31/03/2016 (17:00)



  • Association française pour la recherche thermale (AFRETH) - Appel à projets 2017

Objet: encourager le développement d'une recherche Clinique et scientifique relative au programme Thermal de 2017 comme promoteur ou co-promoteur, à travers la réalisation d’études entrant dans les champs thématiques liés aux pathologies rhumatismes, respiratoires, ORL, cardio-artérielles, dermatologiques, pédiatriques, digestives et métaboliques, neurologiques, etc.
Dotation: 1 000 000 €

En savoir plus

Date limite: 31/03/2016  



  • National Institutes of Health (NIH) - Imaging and Biomarkers for Early Detection of Aggressive Cancer (U01)

Purpose: to invite researchers to submit collaborative research project applications to improve cancer screening, early detection of aggressive cancer, assessment of cancer risk and cancer diagnosis aimed at integrating multi-modality imaging strategies and multiplexed biomarker methodologies into a singular complementary approach, and establish a Consortium for Imaging and Biomarkers to perform collaborative studies, exchange information, share knowledge and leverage common resources.

Budget and duration:  not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project. The scope of the proposed project should determine the project period. The maximum project period is five years.

Letter of Intent due date: 30 days prior to the application due date

Application due dates: July 11, 2016; December 14, 2016; July 10, 2017; December 11, 2017; July 10, 2018; December 11, 2018, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization

To find out more

Deadline: several dates apply - next: July 11, 2016
