January 29, 2016
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
Animal testing is a fundamental aspect of biological and medical research, for scientific, legal and ethical reasons. But it is essential to acknowledge that the animals used are living, sensitive creatures and that they deserve due consideration. That is why a number of Committees for Ethics in Animal Experimentation (CETEAs) have been set up in France. These regulatory bodies play a vital role in the research carried out at institutions such as the Institut Pasteur. Since February 1, 2013, any project involving animal experimentation requires permission from the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
CETEAs have several responsibilities:
they deliberate on the question of ethics in animal testing,
they issue opinions to the Ministry of Research concerning permission requests,
they make sure that the use of animals for scientific purposes is justified and complies with ethical principles,
they give advice to those conducting experiments on animals to help them design and draw up their protocols.
The Institut Pasteur's CETEA currently has 25 members. In compliance with applicable regulations, these members must include the following categories:
scientists and those involved in conducting experiments on animals (engineers and technicians),
people responsible for looking after and housing the animals used (zoological technicians),
people who are not involved in animal testing and are committed to animal protection,
This balance is very important to make sure there is an informed debate and to represent the wide range of viewpoints on animal testing. Each member analyzes an average of three cases per year, representing roughly a week's work (including any revisions required). They also attend monthly meetings.
On behalf of the Institut Pasteur management, the Scientific Secretary General is issuing a call for applications to recruit one or two people in the category of members who are not involved in animal testing and are committed to animal protection. To apply, please contact Benoît Robert (benoit.robert@pasteur.fr), President of the Institut Pasteur's CETEA, to discuss your background and reasons for applying.