January 06, 2017
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
Purpose: to provide an important opportunity to advance cancer research through international collaboration. The purpose is to enable cancer investigators from any country to carry out bilateral research projects abroad which exploit complementary materials or skills, including advanced training in experimental methods or special techniques.
Candidates: Investigators, clinicians, epidemiologists, public health professionals
Duration: three months
Funding: US$ 10,000
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Deadline : plusieurs dates limites : 15/01 et 15/07 - prochaine date : 15/01/2017
Objectif : appel à candidatures afin de soutenir les mobilités de doctorants dans le cadre d'une recherche de terrain de 1 à 5 mois dans une université, un laboratoire (organisme de recherche), une entreprise, administration publique, association ou ONG.
Eligibilité : Les doctorants doivent être inscrits dans un établissement membre de l'AUF en Europe de l'Ouest.
Le stage doit se dérouler dans un pays dit du « Sud » selon la liste définie par la Banque mondiale.
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Deadline : 15/01/2017
Purpose: to support outstanding Ph.D. students from American universities who wish to conduct research in France for a period ranging from 4 to 9 months.
Chateaubriand fellows are selected through a merit-based competition, through a collaborative process involving expert evaluators in both countries.
The program is divided into two subprograms:
A- STEM : Fellowship in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics & Biology-Health (STEM)
Eligibility :
- doctoral students currently working on their PhD and aiming to initiate or reinforce esearch collaborations, partnerships or joint projects between both countries
- be registered in an American university (US citizenship not required)
- research should be performed in a French laboratory (university, engineering school, public research laboratory...)
- co-sponsorship by a candidate’s American university or French host institution encouraged
Financing :
- monthly allowance (up to 1400 euros/month, depending on other sources of funding)
- round trip ticket to France and support for health insurance abroad
B- HSS : Fellowship in Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS)
- outstanding Ph.D. students from US universities seeking to engage in research in France, in any discipline of the Humanities and Social Sciences.
Financing :
- monthly stipend of 1500 €
- round-trip ticket to France and health insurance for the entire duration of the fellowship
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Deadline : 27/01/2017 (12:00)
Objectif : Ces bourses de recherche dans toutes les disciplines sont destinées aux doctorants et aux jeunes chercheurs souhaitant effectuer un séjour de recherche de longue durée en Allemagne dans un / des établissement(s) d’enseignement supérieur ou un / des institut(s) de recherche extra-universitaire(s) public ou reconnu par l’Etat allemand.
Deux formules de bourse :
A. Bourses de recherche d'une année
B. Bourses de recherche dans le cadre d'une cotutelle de thèse (max. 18 mois)
Il est indispensable que les candidats soient en contact avec un enseignant-chercheur de l’établissement allemand d’accueil.
Montant et durée : 1000 € par mois, le cas échéant, prestations complémentaires (allocations de recherche, voyage, logement, couverture sociale) pour une durée de 7 à 10 mois (A) ou 18 mois (B) à partir du 1er octobre 2017.
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Deadline : 31/01/2017
Objectif : accueillir des scientifiques de haut niveau international dans les structures de recherche Montpelliéraines en leur offrant des moyens importants pour les aider à installer leur laboratoire et réaliser rapidement leur projet de recherche.
Eligibilité : Lescandidats(es) devront déjà avoir une expérience de la direction de recherche et venir de l’étranger ou d’une autre région de France.
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Deadline : 31/01/2017
Objectif : encourager le développement de nouvelles coopérations scientifiques et technologiques d'excellence entre les laboratoires de recherche des communautés scientifiques françaises et coréennes. soutenir les échanges de chercheurs ainsi que les ateliers conjoints de recherche organisés conjointement par des chercheurs français et coréens.
Critères : La participation active et la mobilité de jeunes chercheurs, en particulier doctorants ou post-doctorants, est un des tous premiers critères de sélection.
Financement et durée : deux années consécutives. Pour les projets conjoints le financement porte uniquement sur la prise en charge de la mobilité entre la France et la Corée des chercheurs engagés dans les projets sélectionnés. Pour les ateliers conjoints, Les moyens accordés par la France couvrent les frais liés à l’organisation d’ateliers et les frais liés à la participation à l’atelier dans le pays partenaire.
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Deadline : 01/02/2017
Purpose: to give a significant boost to the development of mouse models, in order to:
−gain a better understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in rare diseases whose defective genes have been identified ;
−test and validate therapeutic proofs of concept at the pre-clinical in vivo level.
Such a model should provide appropriate data regarding the safety and the efficiency of the drug, thus evaluating its benefit/risk ratio,prior to conducting early phases of a therapeutic trial.
Scope: call open to research projects covering all rare diseases.
Funding: will cover services costs provided by the platform and is not intended to cover equipment, running costs or personnel costs in the researcher’s laboratory. Financial support will cover the cost of transfer of the model for a maximum amount of 3.000 €.
To find out moreDeadline : 09/02/2017
Purpose: Minimally invasive methods refer to techniques that have limited physical damage, burden and pain associated with the detection method, resulting in less anticipated stress,a higher screening/clinical careuptake, and more efficient and cost-effective screening and care. The studied methods should be sensitive for early detection of cancer, its staging and prediction of progression. Examples are: individual or combination of molecular, immunochemical, proteomic or genetic markers in body fluids and blood or cell samples,as well as macroscopic, microscopic and molecular imaging techniques.
Eligibility: Only transnational projects will be funded. Each research consortium asking for funding must involve a minimum of three(3) eligible research groups and a maximum of seven (7) research groups.
Duration: not exceed three (3) years
To find out moreDeadline : 13/02/2017 (16:00) pre-proposal
Purpose: to support groundbreaking prevention and treatment approaches for pregnant women and newborns in poor, hard-to-reach communities around the time of childbirth.
Approaches that integrate the latest behaviour change approaches with scientific and technological advances and service delivery platforms into radical solutions for widespread impact on maternal and newborn health will be given special consideration.
Proposals can be of three types:
• seed funds, to develop and assess the feasibility of innovative ideas;
• validation funds, to introduce and validate the effectiveness of innovations to reach proof-of-concept;
• transition funds, to transition innovations with demonstrated proof-of-concept toward scale up.
Any organisation may apply.
Funding :
- for seed and validation projects : up to USD 250,000 per project over the maximum duration of two years.
- for transition projects : up to USD 2 million over up to four years.
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Deadline : 24/02/2017
Objectif : soutenir la recherche médicale et scientifique dans le domaine de la dystonie. Les propositions pourront concerner toutes les formes de dystonies.
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Deadline : 24/02/2017
Purpose: to contribute to transforming the global economy from a dependence on fossil raw materials to a sustainable bio-based economy ant to connect research partners with different but complementary scientific and technological expertise to maximise resources and share risks, costs and skills.
Eligibility: minimum of three and a maximum of six participants applying for funding from a minimum of three different ERA CoBioTech partner countries. The participation of one or more industrial partner(s) in the consortium is strongly recommended.
The submitted proposals must be multidisciplinary and include at least one of the following scientific approaches: Synthetic biology, Systems biology, Use of bioinformatic tools, Biotechnological approaches.
To find out moreDeadline : 02/03/2017 (13:00CET) pre-proposal
Description: H2020-JTI-IMI2-2016-10-two-stage
Action Type: RIA – Research and Innovation Actions
Topics :
- Topic 1: Understanding hypoglycaemia: the underlying mechanisms and addressing clinical determinants as well as consequences for people with diabetes by combining databases from clinical trials
- Topic 2: How big data could support better diagnosis and treatment outcomes for prostate cancer (part of the Big Data for Better Outcomes programme)
- Topic 3: Improving the care of patients suffering from acute or chronic pain (this topic includes three subtopics on patient reported outcomes; biomarkers; and chronic pelvic pain)
- Topic 4: Creation of a pan-European paediatric clinical trials network
- Topic 5: Biomanufacturing 2020: development of innovative high throughput analytical tools and methods to characterize cell culture fluid during development and commercial cell culture processes
- Topic 6: Unlocking the solute carrier gene-family for effective new therapies (unlock SLCs)
- Topic 7: Patient perspectives in medicines lifecycle
- Topic 8: Personalised medicine approaches in autism spectrum disorders
Submission of short proposals
Proposals must be submitted via the electronic submission system of the Horizon 2020 Participant Portal. The submission system will open for proposals under this Call on 4 January 2017.
To find out more
Deadline : 28/03/2017 - 17:00 (heure de Bruxelles)
Purpose: to encourage novel collaborations that bring together scientists preferably from different disciplines (e.g. from chemistry, physics, computer science, engineering) to focus on problems in the life sciences.
Eligibility: The research teams must be international. The principal applicant must be from one of the eligible countries. However, other participating scientists and laboratories may be situated anywhere in the world.
Two types of Research Grant: - Young Investigators' Grants : awarded to teams of researchers, all of whom are within the first five years after obtaining an independent laboratory
- Program Grants: awarded to teams of independent researchers at any stage of their careers. Up to $450,000 per grant per year may be applied for.
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Deadline : 30/03/2017 (letter of intent)
Purpose: to identify and support some of the best young researchers in the life sciences. EMBO Young Investigators are group leaders in the early stages of setting up an independent laboratory in EMBC Member or Associate Member States.
Funding and Duration: financial and practical support for a period of three years. Young investigators receive a financial award worth €15,000 in their second year. All current investigators may also apply for small grants of up to €10,000 per year from the EMBO council.
Modality: Networking is a key aspect of the programme, and Young Investigators benefit from extensive practical support. Funds may be used for joint group meetings, collaborative visits, support for seminars, research visits, access to EMBO core facilities, organising conferences, training in basic management skills, mentorship by an EMBO member, access to core facilities and travel grants for meeting attendance.
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Deadline : 01/04/2017
Purpose: to support promising new researchers in establishing scientific and teaching careers. The mission of the program is to support these researchers early in their work so that they can become independently funded in the field of mammalian reproductive biology as related to the regulation of fertility.
Eligibility: The individual nominated by the applicant institution for the postdoctoral fellowship for conduct of the work may be a citizen of any country. The individual should have training and experience at least equal to the Ph.D. or M.D. level.
Funding: $50,000 per year for coverage of fellowship stipend, fringes and institutional overhead.
To find out more
Deadine : plusieurs dates limites 01/05 - 01/11 (concept paper) - prochaine date limite : 01/05/2017