July 12, 2019
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
As announced in the June 7 newsletter, Pasteurians will be given the chance to rally to the Pasteurdon cause this September and October.
On Sunday September 8, 51 female members of the Institut Pasteur will take to the streets of the French capital for "La Parisienne" – a lively women's road race of just under 7km through the city. The Institut Pasteur's lovely ladies will demonstrate how the values of sport go hand in hand with the values of research.
If you have any questions, please contact: isabelle.casademont@pasteur.fr / patty.chen@pasteur.fr
Find out more about "La Parisienne"
On Sunday October 13, it will be the turn of 60 Institut Pasteur members to take to the tarmac for the "20 km de Paris" road race in aid of Pasteurdon. A team has already been established, but if any members drop out new runners can be added until two days before the race.
If you have any questions, please contact: philippe.casanova@pasteur.fr
Find out more about the "20km de Paris" road race
From Monday September 30 to Saturday October 12, for the eighth year in a row the "Vivons vélo" campaign, organized in partnership with AG2R La Mondiale, will be held on campus to clock up the kilometers and raise money for the Institut Pasteur’s research.
This year the "Vivons vélo" campaign will be introducing a different format and concept. A number of bikes will be set up in the atrium of the François Jacob building, so gear yourselves up and get ready to pedal for charity.