July 20, 2018
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The Scientific Information Resources Center (CeRIS) will be screening a selection of science documentaries from its DVD collection on campus from July 24 to August 14, 2018.
Come and see a different documentary every Tuesday at 1.30pm in the Jules Bordet room (on the ground floor of the Metchnikoff building (building 67)).
What’s on this summer:
Tuesday July 24: Demain, tous crétins ? ["Tomorrow will we be idiots?"] directed by Sylvie Gilman and Thierry De Lestrade, 2017 (56 mins), film in French
Tuesday July 31: Jean-Baptiste Charcot, une épopée scientifique [Jean-Baptiste Charcot: an epic science], directed by Yves Léonard, 2008 (55 mins), film in French
Tuesday August 7: My love affair with the brain. The Life and Science of Dr. Marian Diamond, directed by Catherine Ryan and Gary Weimberg, 2017 (57 mins), film in English with French subtitles
Tuesday August 14: Humeur liquide…être(s) bipolaires [Fluid Moods: Being Bipolar], directed by Rodolphe Viémont, 2014 (52 mins), film in French with English subtitles
DVDs from the CeRIS library collection are available on loan:
• by contacting marie.martin@pasteur.fr, ext. 8068
• by visiting the CeRIS library (CIS – second floor), Monday to Friday from 10am to 6pm.