
September 20 – save the date for the Institut Pasteur Young Scientists Conference and award ceremony

Following on from the 2021 edition, the senior management team and the Executive Scientific Division will be holding the Institut Pasteur Young Scientists Conference on September 20, from 10am to 12 noon. This in-person event will take place in the CIS auditorium.

The conference, only for internal scientists, will give several young heads of research units, especially U5s and G5s, the opportunity to present their teams, their research and the advances they have made in their respective areas of expertise.

The event on September 20 will also feature the award ceremony for the 2021 Institut Pasteur Young Scientist Prize, introduced in 2018 for the Institut Pasteur's 130th anniversary. The awards will be presented during the conference to a PhD student and a post-doctoral fellow who were first authors of high-level research papers published during the year.

Save the date for this upcoming event. In September the newsletter team will give you more information about participation in the event, which will depend on the changing health context, and will publish the conference program.

