July 23, 2021
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The conference will bring together experts on COVID-19 from around the globe and will take place online at the Institut Pasteur from September 29 to October 1. All presentations will be in english.
Leading researchers and clinicians will cover the main advances and remaining challenges in virology, clinical presentations and management, epidemiology, and vaccinology for COVID-19 and will address the following topics:
- Viral evolution and perspectives
- Viral entry and replication/neutralization
- Viral persistence and long COVID
- Patient management and future treatments
- Evaluation of impact of interventions
- Children and SARS-CoV-2 transmission and control
- Vaccine regimens and effectiveness
- Why and how should we get the planet vaccinated?
Save the date for this upcoming event. The newsletter team will give you more information after the summer break in September.
Scientific committee:
• Brigitte Autran (Sorbonne University)
• Simon Cauchemez (Institut Pasteur)
• Vittoria Colizza (Inserm)
• Dominique Costagliola (Inserm)
• Caroline Demangel (Institut Pasteur)
• Arnaud Fontanet (Institut Pasteur)
• Xavier de Lamballerie (Inserm)
• Félix Rey (Institut Pasteur)
• Olivier Schwartz (Institut Pasteur)
• Sylvie van der Werf (Institut Pasteur)
• Yazdan Yazdanpanah (ANRS I Emerging infectious diseases/INSERM)
Image on top: Human bronchial cells (blue) infected with SARS-CoV-2 (pink).
Image obtained by scanning electron microscopy.
© Institut Pasteur. Image by Rémy Robinot, Mathieu Hubert, Vincent Michel, Olivier Schwartz and Lisa Chakrabarti, and colorized by Jean-Marc Panaud.