BIP : The Institut Pasteur Newsletter, July 27 2018


The Institut Pasteur is pleased to invite you to the inauguration of the Omics buildings. This latest event in the Institut Pasteur's 130th anniversary celebrations will take place on September 13 at 5pm in the CIS auditorium. These new facilities have been specially designed for the scientific teams working in the fields of "omics", in other words genomics, transcriptomics and metabolomics, as well as bioinformatics, integrative biology and biostatistics.

Scientific events

Each week, in this section entitled "Scientific events" and written by Scientific Secretariat General, you will find upcoming scientific events to note in your diaries, calls for proposals and funding opportunities that might interest you – along with tools and databases specially designed to help you identify funding possibilities...


Over the past three weeks since July 9, many of you – including a handful of devoted supporters – have taken part in "Vivons Vélo", a fundraising event to generate support for the Institut Pasteur's research by clocking up the kilometers on stationary bikes.