
2017 Institut Pasteur-Fiocruz-USP call for proposals

Reminder: The call for projects proposals between the Institut Pasteur International Network, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz) and the Universidade de São Paulo (USP) is currently under way.

The objective is to facilitate the collaborations in priority areas of research and public health programs, in the framework of the tripartite agreement signed between Institut Pasteur, Fiocruz, USP on June 8th, 2015 and of the  Memorandum of Understanding signed on 28 June 2017 between Institut Pasteur, Fiocruz, USP and FUSP. The priority areas are: 1) Vector-borne infectious (emerging and re-emerging) diseases, effects of climate changes in vector migration; 2) Neurosciences; 3) Translational medicine and development of two transversal methodologies: system biology and population biology.

The projects, of 15 months duration, should bring together researchers or teams from the Institut Pasteur and/or the Institut Pasteur International Network, of the Fundação Oswaldo Cruz and of the Universidade de São Paulo.

The deadline for submitting applications is August 15, 2017.


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