July 29, 2016
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
Purpose: to generate new knowledge about interventions that will contribute to the improvement of health in low- and middle-income countries. Proposals likely to produce implementable results and that address the major causes of mortality or morbidity in these countries will be given priority.
Scope of the scheme:
- proposals for research into chronic non-communicable diseases, including mental health reproductive, maternal and new born health will be especially welcome. The focus is primarily on late-stage clinical and health intervention trials evaluating efficacy and effectiveness. The scheme is aimed at funding randomised controlled trials, but innovative trial methodologies and adaptive designs are also welcome.
- the scope encompasses interventions of all kinds, including behavioural and complex interventions, disease management, drugs, vaccines, hygiene and diagnostic strategies.
- Principal investigators based in low- or middle-income economies at higher education institutions or non-profit research institutions and principal investigators based in UK HEIs, research council institutes or eligible independent research organisations may apply.
- MRC units and institutes are also eligible. Collaborations including expertise from social sciences and health economics as well as strong partnerships with policy makers and potential implementing partners in LMICs are encouraged.
Funding: up to 20 millions Lb
Duration: projects from 2 to 5 years
There are two application types: applications will be submitted to and processed by MRC on behalf of the four partner agencies.
- Global health trial research grants (two stage application process, decisions for invitation for full stage in December, funding decision in June 2017)
- Trial development grants (one stage application process, funding decision in December 2016)
To find out more: http://www.mrc.ac.uk/funding/browse/joint-global-health-trials-scheme-launch-of-seventh-call-for-proposals/
Deadline: 15/09/2016 16:00
Objectif: identifier des sujets en émergence et des projets ambitieux, innovants et multidisciplinaires afin d'accroître le rayonnement scientifique des laboratoires franciliens et leur attractivité pour les chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs étrangers, ainsi que l’attractivité du territoire francilien pour le développement économique et les collaborationsavec des universités européennes.
Domaines de recherche: toutes les disciplines sont concernées (mathématiques, physique, informatique, sciences de l’univers, biologie, chimie, sciences humaines et sociales …)
Une attention particulière sera apportée aux thématiques suivantes: Médecine personnalisée et santé; Technologies de rupture; Energie, climat et ressources; Sécurité et territoires; Données massives (big data), sciences numériques et calcul haute performance; Production collaborative (« crowdsourcing ») et sciences citoyennes; Sciences du texte et connaissances nouvelles.
Durée: Les thématiques sont labellisées « Domaines d’Intérêt Majeur » pour une durée maximale de 4 ans - soit sur la période 2017-2020-, par délibération du Conseil régional d’ici le début de l’année 2017, avec une évaluation au bout de 2 ans.
appel a manifestation dinteret pour lidentification des domaines dinteret majeur dim
Dépôt: exclusivement par voie électronique à: aap-dim@iledefrance.fr
En savoir plus
Date limite: 03/10/2016 - 24:00
Purpose: to enable young investigators to conduct research in the fields of fungal, viral and parasitic infections and diseases (including diagnostics, pathogenesis, antifungal/antiviral/antiparasitic susceptibility & resistance, stewardship, vaccines).
Eligibility: applicants must:
- Be principal investigators for the proposed research which must be carried out in Europe.
- Have a valid Full or Young Scientist ESCMID membership. - Be born on or after 1 January 1977. - Have a medical degree (MD, MBBS, PharmD or equivalent), a PhD or be enrolled in PhD programme.
- Grants are worth up to €20,000 each over a typical period of 12 months, however they may last for up to 24 months.
- Two grants, worth €50,000 each, are available for exceptional projects.
To find out more
Deadline: 13/10/2016 - 12:00 CET
Purpose: to support exploratory and developmental new research activities on ApoE2 and other variants to improve understanding of physiologic and cellular differences attributable to the ApoE e2 allele (vs. other ApoE alleles), and how they mediate ApoE e2’s differential effects on longevity and risk for age-related conditions. This will aid in the identification of potential therapeutic targets for interventions that prevent or ameliorate aging-related diseases by mimicking favorable differential effects of the ApoE e2 variant, while avoiding adverse effects.
Award Budget:
The combined budget for direct costs for the two year project period may not exceed $275,000. No more than $200,000 may be requested in any single year.
Award Project Period:
The scope of the proposed project should determine the project period. The maximum project period is 2 years.
Application Due Date(s): Standard dates apply, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization. All types of non-AIDS applications allowed for this funding opportunity announcement are due on these dates: March 16, July 16, November 16
To find out more
Deadline: 16/11/2016
Purpose: The Hertie Foundation, in collaboration with the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies, invites nominations for the Eric Kandel young neuroscientists prize. This recognises outstanding work in any field of neuroscience by European investigators under 40 years of age.
Eligibility: Candidates must have demonstrated outstanding and independent scientific creativity and productivity, their work must have been published in leading journals and they must be nominated by their university or research institution or by an internationally recognised neuroscientist. Self-nominations are not possible.
Amount: The prize includes €50,000 for personal use and up to €50,000 for establishing a collaborative relationship with a mentor.
To find out more
Deadline: 01/11/2016