science and society

SPREADS project: take part in writing workshops on "science attack" scenarios from October 22 to 24, 2024

As part of the research project SPREADS – "Scenarios of potential risk evolution through algorithms and data," a series of writing workshops will be held for all Institut Pasteur employees, both scientific and non-scientific staff. Participants will be asked to come up with fictional scenarios for ways in which science might come under attack (cyberattacks, espionage, infected databases, etc.) or to evaluate how likely they are.

No particular skills are required to take part in the workshops – all you need is a good dose of curiosity and an interest in talking about these issues. Whether you are more creative or down to earth, everyone is welcome!

The workshops will be led by Cléo Collomb, a lecturer at Université Paris-Saclay and coordinator of the SPREADS project, Jeremie Brugidou, an artist and postdoctoral researcher in philosophy working on the SPREADS project, and François Bontems, Research Director in Philosophy of Science and Techniques at the LARSIM lab (CEA) and a lecturer at INSTN, ENS Paris-Saclay and the Institut Pasteur.

Practical details: each workshop will be limited to 20 participants and will last for a half-day between October 22 and 24, 2024. You can register for one or more workshops.

To sign up

Find out more about SPREADS

If you have any questions or would like more details, please email:
