A look back at gender equality awareness month

On June 30, the final event in gender equality awareness month took place. This unprecedented initiative on campus, part of the Women and Science program, ran throughout June and was led by an international panel of experts. The aims of the initiative were:

To review the current situation in terms of gender equality in scientific circles

To tackle prejudice as a means of strengthening our scientific activities

To improve well-being in the workplace and the careers of female scientists


Key figures from the 2021 gender equality awareness month:

1 cross-cutting priority from the Strategic Plan


1 key objective


1 dedicated "Women and Science" group


1 unprecedented event


1 entire month of awareness


1 organizing committee


8 major highlights


23 guest speakers to lead the sessions


418 people registered for the event


748 people in total connecting to the sessions


Between 50 and 100 participants in the sessions (and 201 for the opening sessions)


Nearly 250 catch-up online views



Praise and support for gender equality awareness month :


"Special event and historic moment in the life of the Institut Pasteur", Stewart Cole, President of the Institut Pasteur.




"Amazing month",

"I think that the key in the life of any one of us and for every woman in science is to surround yourself with people that believe in science and think of science in the way you think of science, that defend the same core values, that fight for the same principles. You need to be surrounded by people with whom you have a shared vision. (…) All these people around will help you to unleash your inner awesome. So I think it’s essential that we, as an institute, become this community. We all at Pasteur should be these people who get it and who want to make the world a better place", Carla Saleh, Head of the Viruses and RNA Interference Unit and special guest speaker of the event.

"We are very pleased to continue to support these efforts to accelerate the realization of gender equality and the empowerment of women", Odile Hermabessiere, Vice-President Human Resources.


"Such a great event",

"The talks and discussions I have listened to were all very inspirational and I think Londa’s talk was really brilliant as the other talks. One thing I note is that some hundred people have attended the different events, so that seems to be an amazing number and it really shows how the topic of gender balance is becoming important in our institute (…) We still have a lot to do to support and encourage women's career progression and recognition", Christophe d’Enfert, Scientific Director

You can watch the sessions by signing up to the dedicated Teams channel. All the sessions that were recorded are available via the channel and will remain there throughout the summer.

To access the replay of each session directly:

Overcoming prejudices to strengthen our scientific activities – Session 1
Overcoming prejudices to strengthen our scientific activities – Session 2
Gender equality in science: where are we? – Session 1
Gender equality in science: where are we? – Session 2
Fostering professional wellness and women scientific careers (Round table)


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the organizing committee at equality_orga@pasteur.fr.

