June 11, 2021
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
As an independent scientist in training during your Graduate studies, or as a group leader later, a major part of a future PhD’s job will be spent securing funds for their research or for salaries.
In order to better prepare that stage, training is needed in identifying calls, understanding the exact wording in requests for proposals (RFP), how to best respond by drafting Grant/Fellowship applications in a pertinent manner, understanding deadlines, and making the difference with the assets provided by the Institut Pasteur in terms of Research environment and Administrative support, and taking into account ethics and societal expectations.
The Grants Office in coordination with the Graduate office, will be providing a comprehensive training course in fellowship/small grant writing in response to funding opportunities. This will include identification, preparation and writing of a proposal in a given area of research. In doing so one important objective is to build confidence as an independent scientist to secure your own funds.
The starting date is June 23, 2021, followed by three other modules at the end of October 2021, including a case study workshop to get hands-on training.
This course is open to all PhD candidates at the Institut Pasteur.
If you have questions or need further assistance, please email GO_PhDTraining@pasteur.fr