June 11, 2021
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The Technological Targeted Action Drug Discovery & Screening (ATC-DDS), supported by the Scientific Direction et more particularly by the SPAIS*, is pleased to announce the launch of the first Master Students Call.
The Referents of this ATC, Nienke Buddelmeijer & Fabrice Agou, are willing to encourage the collaborative research projects between scientists from the Institut Pasteur campus (Laboratories and Core facilities) around Drug Discovery & Screening.
This call aims to support - in the form of scholarships- research teams wishing to host a Master student (or equivalent) for the development of some innovative assays for Drug Discovery & Screening. All scientific departments and all fields of application are welcome to apply.
Call opening : June 7th, 2021
Please note that the submission deadline is June 25th, 2021 at 6pm.
Download :
The Guidelines
The Application Form
For any question, please contact : spais.coordination@pasteur.fr
*Department for Scientific Programming and Incentive Actions