
Charging for services provided by the Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Hub

The Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Hub is available for all research units and platforms on campus. It offers guidance in developing and carrying out bioinformatics and biostatistics projects, performs data analysis, develops software applications and data processing pipelines, and provides teaching and training.

The services provided by the Hub have always been essentially free of charge for users; any member of the Institut Pasteur scientific community was free to submit a project to the Hub at any time. Nearly 350 projects have been submitted since the Hub was set up.

Since the Hub's resources are now being requested for long-term projects within some units, it seems reasonable for it to charge for the provision of services as a way of compensating the pull on resources. This will also enable the Hub to recruit new staff as necessary to offset any lack of availability so that it can continue to meet the needs of the campus as a whole. This system of charging has no impact on co-authorship: Hub members should still be recognized as co-authors of any publications describing research to which they have contributed.

These measures will take effect from January 1, 2020.

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