"Optimization of the platform model" project – Information on the pricing policy for technological platforms

The "Optimization of the platform model" project, led jointly by the Department of Technology and the Department of Financial Affairs, was launched in late 2019 in response to the strategic objective "Providing a favorable technological environment" in the Institut Pasteur's 2019-2023 Strategic Plan.

Its focus areas are:

•  Synergies: Improving synergies between research units and platforms.

•  Resources:

- Improving the general investment and funding strategy for technological resources.

- Adjusting the amount that units contribute to the costs of platforms to optimize their business model.

An information meeting about the "Optimization of the platform model" project was held on March 30 for unit heads and group leaders.

Download the slide presentation shown at this meeting


The various measures related to the focus areas validated by the Scientific Management Board (CODIS), set to be introduced in 2022, were presented to participants, including the pricing policy. The new rates are being finalized and will apply from July 1.

For more information about the pricing policy and the new rates (in French)
