June 26, 2020
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
Thermo Fisher is a world leader in equipment, analytical instruments, reagents and consumables, software and services designed to meet the complex analytical challenges of clinical research, diagnostics and laboratories.
The Institut Pasteur and Thermo Fisher recently concluded a two-year agreement to facilitate and provide a framework for partnerships between the two entities by establishing a series of general rules for collaboration.
The research cooperation framework agreement with Thermo Fisher lays down terms for:
Under the agreement, Thermo Fisher has special partner status, giving it a right of first review on Institut Pasteur inventions in various fields (to be defined).
The partnership will be governed by a steering committee composed of representatives from Thermo Fisher and the Institut Pasteur.
The diagram below summarizes the broad principles of the partnership.
If you are in discussions with Thermo Fisher (or one of the group's main brands, see list below) and would like to set up a collaborative project (research project, joint laboratory, hosting scientists, etc.), please contact the Research Applications and Industrial Relations Department (DARRI): stte@pasteur.fr .
Thermo Fisher's main brands are:
1-Thermo Scientific: CEDIA, CellInsight, Dionex, FastDigest, HyPerforma, Nalgene, NanoDrop, Niton, Nunc, Oxoid, Phadia, Phusion, Pierce, Remel, Sorvall
2-Applied Biosystems: GlobalFiler, MagMAX, MicroSEQ, ProFlex, QuantStudio, SYBR, TaqMan, Affymetrix, GeneChip
3- Invitrogen: Alexa Fluor, Attune, Countess, Dynabeads, E-Gel, GeneArt, Lipofectamine, NuPAGE, Platinum, Qubit, SuperScript, TOPO, eBioscience
4-Fisher Scientific
5- Unity Lab Services
6-Patheon (CDMO)
7-Other brands: Gibco, Ion Torrent, Alpha Aesar