
Introduction of Bio-Plex Pro technology at the Center for Human Immunology

The Center for Translational Science is pleased to inform you that the CIH has installed the Bio-Plex Pro technology (Bio-Rad) in its P2+ laboratory. Built on Luminex xMAP principle, this technology allows for multiplex immunoassays and simultaneous quantification of up to 100 analytes in a single sample.

The Bio-Plex in the CIH is coupled to DropArray HT Washing Station (Curiox), an innovative system for miniaturizing Luminex reactions. In addition to automation of washing steps, the washing station and DropArray plates allow a 5-time decrease of the reagent and sample volumes for any chosen Luminex kit.

In order to obtain training/access to the Bio-Plex/DropArray protein analysis platform of the CIH please contact
