
Upcoming training on offer

The HR training center in the Talent and Organization Development Department is pleased to announce upcoming training courses on surgery, written and oral scientific communication techniques, Python, statistics, business development, molecular phylogenetics, and biology for non-biologists.


  • Training with certification to perform surgery, with the Vetsalius training organization and the Institut Pasteur Education Center – 3 days, in French

- Models for experimental surgery
- Organizing an experimental surgery laboratory
- Anesthesia and analgesia, monitoring, hemostasis
- Perioperative care
Dates : September 4-6, 2017 (possibility of practical sessions being held on September 7 and 8, 2017 depending on requirements and validation of the practical level by the Central Animal Facility)


  • "Writing and publishing a scientific paper in English" with the Sciences Impact training organization – 3 days, in English

- Developing the rationale for your paper
- General structure of the paper: mastering the organizational approach
- Improving your written style
Dates: September 12-14, 2017


  • "How to present your research at conferences and symposiums" with the Sciences Impact training organization – 3 days, in English

- Presenting at a conference or meeting
- Chairing a meeting or facilitating a workshop
Dates: November 15-17, 2017


  • "Introduction to Python programming for scientists" with the Logilab training organization – 4 days, in French

- Python interpreter
- Presentations of Python data types
- The basics of the Python language, handling digital data
- Reading and writing data files
- An overview of the standard library
Dates: September 26-29, 2017


  • "Basic statistics" with the Anastats training organization – 3 days, in French

- Learn how to describe a series of values
- Frame questions in such a way that statistics can resolve them
- Learn how to choose and implement the appropriate statistical test for each situation
- Learn how to interpret corresponding software outputs
Dates: October 3-5, 2017


  • "Introduction to R software" with the Anastats training organization – 3 days, in French

- Introduction to using the software
- Using the software mainly via the graphic interfaces
Dates: December 6-8, 2017


  • "Advanced use of R software" with the Anastats training organization – 3 days, in French

- Creating graphs
- Automated methods for data processing and reports
- Creating scripts with varying degrees of complexity, using loops, creating your own functions
Dates: January 16-18, 2018

  • "Molecular phylogenetics: Concepts, methods and interpretation" with the C3BI – 5 days, in French

- Three methods for building phylogenetic trees: distance, parsimony and maximum likelihood
- Bayesian methods
Dates: December 18-22, 2017


  • Business development and applications for biomedical innovation, with Pierre and Marie Curie University (UPMC) (university diploma) and the Education Center – 11 days, in French

- Find out more about the economic and regulatory context
- Work with or in the health industry
- Entrepreneurship in biomedicine
The course is geared towards scientists, engineers, postdoctoral fellows and PhD students
Dates: January 10-March 24, 2018


  • "BNB – Biology for non-biologists" – 5 days, in French

- A basic introduction to scientific principles
- Tours of research units
- Finding out about life as a scientist
Dates: November 14-December 12 (Tuesday) or November 17-December 15, 2017 (Friday); March 12-April 9 (Monday) or March 16-April 13, 2018 (Friday)


Practical details about the courses, including how to sign up, can be found on Webcampus.

The costs of these courses are covered for Institut Pasteur staff under the Training Plan.
The costs of the courses are also covered for external (OREX) staff, although they are not given priority (the experimental surgery course must be paid by their supervisory authority).

We would remind you that if you register for a training course, you must attend the entire course.
