June 04, 2021
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
Since Monday May 31, COVID-19 vaccination has been unreservedly extended to all adults as part of the government's vaccine strategy.
To support this strategy, the BCP Committee offers several options to facilitate access to vaccination for Institut Pasteur staff.
In practice,
1. Staff who are not yet vaccinated can visit the official French government websites which show a variety of available vaccination centers (for Pfizer or Moderna vaccines) or options for vaccination by pharmacists or family physicians (with the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine, or the AstraZeneca and Moderna vaccines for the past few days):
Coronavirus info/vaccines
Vite Ma Dose website
There are also specialist online platforms out there (Keldoc, Maiia).
2. For Institut Pasteur staff on site wishing to be vaccinated at the Institut Pasteur Medical Center (CMIP), we would like to inform you that new vaccine appointments at the Medical Center are posted on Doctolib at the start of the week (Monday/Tuesday from 2 to 3pm).
We would also inform you that the option of being put on the Medical Center's waiting list introduced on May 7 will be discontinued as of June 4. It will no longer be possible to go on this waiting list which will continue to be used for "last minute" replacement of the day's appointments that were missed.
The BCP Committee would remind you that vaccination is the best solution for preventing severe forms of COVID, and that hygiene and distancing measures still apply even with vaccination.
The latest release (May 18th) of the national protocol that aims at ensuring safety and health for employees at work remains very cautious on the subject of relaxing the current measures within the professional environment. The BCP committee is thus waiting for the new recommendations of the government, expected on June 9th, and for the new national protocol from the Ministry of Labor before modifying its measures for the Institut Pasteur.
If you need to access the Institut Pasteur campus during the curfew hours (9pm to 6am until June 9, then 11pm to 6am until June 30), please complete this the new online survey to obtain a new certificate.
We thank you for your understanding and your patience.
Best regards,
The BCP Committee