Life outside the lab

Save the date: World Music Day at the Institut Pasteur – several events on June 21 and 22

Once again this year, the Institut Pasteur choir, cultural society (La Pasteurale) and sports club (ASIP) will be putting on a vibrant extravaganza full of music, rhythm and energy at the end of June.

This year, several events open to all will be held:


Wednesday June 21 :


• 12.15 to 1.15pm: come along to the atrium of the François Jacob building during your lunch break to see the new show presented by the choir, ASIP and La Pasteurale.

The program will feature a brass band, dance, theater, choir, sign singing and an exhibition!

Make sure you don't miss this performance that will combine movement, song, music, rhythm, color, stage directions and speeches – with plenty of room for the unexpected! Your colleagues are excited to share what they have been preparing with you.

• from 5:30 p.m.: attend the theatrical performance "Chekhov - Fragments" in the modules under the canteen. The play will be performed by 17 Pasteurians from La Pasteurale's two theater groups, directed by Matthieu Fayette.

Download the program


Thursday June 22, 8 to 11pm: come along to the cafeteria "The 25" for a concert put on by six groups in the Music Lab:


 Billie and the... What!?

 The Almost

 Cassoulet Choucroute

 KamouK & Les Molécules

 Data Not Shown

