Upcoming remote training: PubMed - My NCBI, Drawing up a data management plan for a research project, and Zotero

•    Remote training: PubMed/My NCBI, Thursday March 16, 2023 from 2 to 5pm* (in French)

Anyone can find their way around the basics of PubMed, but we are offering you the chance to go further by getting to know the ins and outs of the tool and making the best use of the features and tips available. You will learn about all the possibilities related to your personal My NCBI account.

Aims of the training:

•    Master the features of PubMed
•    Evaluate the relevance of results by interpreting the search strategy applied by PubMed
•    Customize PubMed features by creating and configuring a My NCBI account to set up automatic alerts, use custom filters and save results in your own space

This training session is aimed at anyone who has to perform searches in PubMed.

The training is aimed at beginners, those who already know how to find their way around PubMed and those with more advanced knowledge of the tool.

It will take place remotely (via Microsoft Teams) in French.

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More information: biblioformation@pasteur.fr


•    Remote training: Drawing up a data management plan for a research project, Tuesday March 21, 2023 from 2 to 4.30pm* (in English)

Do you need to draft a Data Management Plan (DMP) for your project without actually knowing what one is? Have you found yourself wondering how a DMP might be useful for you? Or have you had difficulties answering the questions you need to cover in a DMP?

This session is for you!

The session will show you how to produce a data management plan (DMP), a document often required by funding bodies such as the ANR and the European Commission, which sets out details about how you plan to manage your research data during your project. You will find out how DMPs can be a valuable tool throughout the research process and learn some helpful data management best practices. Finally, the training session will show you how to use a tool to draw up your DMP collaboratively: DMP OPIDoR.

Aims of the training:
•    Familiarize yourself with the aims of a DMP
•    Clarify the questions that you need to address in a DMP
•    Learn about data management best practices
•    Learn how to use a tool to draw up a DMP collaboratively

The training session is aimed at scientists, engineers, postdoctoral fellows and project managers who may need to produce a DMP for their research project.

It will take place remotely (via Microsoft Teams) in English.

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Consult the detailed program
Check out all CeRIS training

More information: biblioformation@pasteur.fr


•    Remote training: Zotero, Thursday March 23, 2023 from 5 to 7pm* (in English)

Zotero is a free open-source bibliography management application.
Learn how you can use this software to manage your bibliographical references in a simple, intuitive way – and find out what sets it apart from other tools.

Aims of the training:
•    Import references
•    Manage references
•    Insert references in a Word document
•    Share references with the Groups function

This training session is aimed at anyone who needs to manage or format bibliographical references and more generally wants to find out how Zotero works.

It will take place remotely (via Microsoft Teams) in English.

Sign up
Check out all CeRIS training

More information: biblioformation@pasteur.fr

* Paris time



