March 10, 2023
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The digital education office is pleased to invite you to sign up for the third edition of the Epigenetics MOOC, until April 11, 2023, led by Germano Cecere.
This MOOC aims to provide basic knowledge of what is considered epigenetics and to increase our knowledge of genetics, heredity and relationships with diseases.
At the end of this course, you will be able to:
• Comprehend the concept of epigenetics and give examples of epigenetic phenomena.
• Explain the main molecular mechanisms and molecules known to act in epigenetic processes.
• Discuss the implication of epigenetics in development and how environmental experiences can impact subsequent generations.
• Describe examples of diseases that are influenced by epigenetic mechanisms.
The Institut Pasteur Online Diploma of Infectious Diseases (DNM2IP) :
This MOOC is one of 17 MOOC’s labeled to obtain the Institut Pasteur Online Diploma of Infectious Diseases (DNM2IP), a diploma launched in 2019 and which already has more than 700 registrants in all continents.