March 10, 2023
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The Institut Pasteur decided in December 2022 to suspend its partnership agreement with the Chinese Academy of Sciences regarding the Institut Pasteur of Shanghai. This choice was made in order to begin a new cycle of conversations for improving the relationship between the two organizations and finding a more productive way to work together. The name of the Institut Pasteur of Shanghai will change as a result.
Consequently, the Institut Pasteur ceased to be involved in the activities of the Institut Pasteur of Shanghai and stopped co-leading this structure with the Chinese Academy of Science.
Additional conversation is indeed needed to ensure that strategic axes of these two institutions are aligned. Moreover, the Institut Pasteur of Shanghai has not been an active member of the Pasteur Network since 2021 when the Pasteur Network Foundation was created as part of the change in governance of the Pasteur Network.
Because of the scientific interest of the collaborative research carried out by the Institut Pasteur and the Chinese Academy of Sciences in recent years, both parties remain determined to work together in the future. Discussions are ongoing to identify what form this partnership could take.