March 20, 2020
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
Dear all,
As you may have heard during the President of the Republic’s speech last night, we are in what he considers to be a “health war” situation. Mobilized since the appearance of the very first cases, and committed for a long time in the fight against emerging infectious diseases, pasteurian research is an integral part of the response that must make it possible to tackle the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19 pandemic.
A great many teams on campus and in the international network are invested in this response from the Instituts Pasteur, supported by all of the employees. Let us continue our efforts together.
In this crisis situation, I ask you once again to respect the government’s instructions and the measures specific to the Institut Pasteur in order to carry out our Business Continuity Plan, in particular to continue all of our priority activities, those related to the response to the COVID-19 pandemic and those related to our public health missions.
I am sending you this video message today to keep you closely informed of our commitment and our responsibilities.
Kind regards,
Professor Stewart Cole
Video from Professor Stewart Cole about the commitment and responsibilities of the Institut Pasteur