
The Institut Pasteur and Inria set up a joint research structure

The Inria Saclay Île-de-France research center and the Institut Pasteur have recently announced that they will be setting up a joint research structure known as InBio. The aim of this new structure is to develop experimental and computer-based methods to shed new light on the workings of living systems at cellular level.

Digital technologies now play an essential part in biology. Improving understanding of the workings of biological systems at cellular level, guiding the development of therapeutic molecules or cells and optimizing medical treatments are major challenges for modern biology and a key focus of the Institut Pasteur's work. The Institut Pasteur's commitment to these research areas led to the recent creation of a Center for Bioinformatics, Biostatistics and Integrative Biology (C3BI), to which significant resources have been devoted.


Several of Inria's project teams have also acquired extensive expertise in the key methodological and computational issues raised by data analysis and by modeling, design and optimization in molecular and cellular biology.

Fostering links between the two institutes to enable them to work in synergy on these topics is therefore a logical next step.


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