
Webinar dedicated to the Policy on the management and sharing of research data and software codes

The data management core facility and the CeRIS invite you to take part in a webinar dedicated to the Policy on the management and sharing of research data and software codes, on Friday April 26 from 2pm to 3pm.

This policy, published in May 2021, defines the best practices that the Institut Pasteur recommends implementing throughout the research process. It is accompanied by fact sheets detailing the tools and training available, who to contact, etc.

Webinar program:
•     Resources available on the new ePasteur intranet
•     Understanding and using the policy and associated fact sheets
•     Focus on a few fact sheets: funding requirements, sharing data, distributing software.
•     Your questions are welcome!

This webinar will take place in French, on Teams, and will be recorded. The replay will be available on ePasteur.

Click here to take part in the webinar

