
Themed courses with the C3BI

The Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Hub at the Institut Pasteur is running a series of themed courses that are open to everyone.

The first session, entitled "Data Analysis with R", will take place every Tuesday morning from March 8 to April 12, in retrovirus room no. 14 on the ground floor of the Lwoff building. The course will be in French and will offer a mix of theory and practical exercises using RStudio. All participants should come with a fully charged laptop on which they should have already installed the programs and files needed (R, RStudio and the data files on which they want to work).

A full list of the files and software required is available on the course web page.

This course is an introduction to data analysis. Basic knowledge of R is preferable. If you are not familiar with R, an introductory tutorial is available on the course web page, and the basics of R will be summarized during the practical exercises. Those who have never used R may find it useful to have basic programming knowledge in any language.

This course is designed for all those interested in learning or revising their knowledge of how best to use statistics for their projects. The aim is to present and explain the key concepts about how to use statistics to describe a data set, to explore the properties of a data set and draw sound conclusions, to make effective use of the most common methods (hypothesis testing, PCA, etc.) and to read, interpret (and, if necessary, critically examine) the results presented in publications. The course will use as little mathematical formalism as possible; instead it will focus on the properties of the methods, the prerequisites for using them and the interpretation of results. The basics of exploratory data analysis, PCA, cluster analysis, hypothesis testing, estimation, sampling, regression and design of experiments will be covered.

A limited number of places are still available. Registration is free but recommended for Institut Pasteur scientists.
