
Pasteur International Network Association becomes an NGO in official relations with WHO

During its 138th session on January 30, 2016, the Executive Board of WHO admitted  the Pasteur International Network Association as an institution "in official relations with WHO".

The Association  gathers all the 33 institutes of  the Network.

It is a great step for the recognition of the Association and the Institut Pasteur International Network as an important non-state actor in favour of global public health.

This status will allow the Association, representing the Pasteur Network, to:

  • participate (without right of vote) to WHO's meetings and especially to the General Assembly

  • submit a memorandum to the WHO Director-General.


For more informations, contact Marc Jouan, Executive Director of the Association, Nadia Khelef, advisor to Institut Pasteur's president, or Vincent Brignol, project manager at the Association.

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