March 05, 2021
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The HR Training Center is pleased to announce the "Introduction to histology and immunohistology techniques" course, in collaboration with the Histology Platform, as well as a FlowJo training course in collaboration with the Cytometry and Biomarkers UTechS (CB UTechS) and the Cytometry Platform.
- Acquire a basic knowledge of histology and an understanding of the sample preparation process
- Learn about the principles of histology and the key stages in each histology technique
- Understand the techniques of immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence
Date (length): April 12-15, 2021 (5.30pm) – See the detailed program
Course coordinator: David Hardy (Histology Platform)
Aims: Teach researchers and students how to analyze flow cytometry data in an efficient way by using FlowJo™, the leading analysis platform for flow cytometry analysis. This training will familiarize you with all the basic features of FlowJo™X. At the end of the day, you will be able to analyze and visualize your flow data and learn how to get the statistics out of it.
The focus of the training will be on getting familiar with most of the tools available with FlowJo™ version X software.
You will learn how to use the FlowJo® workspace, including how to load samples (experimental data), create groups, design your gating strategy, extract statistics, and generate tabular and graphical layouts. This training is designed for those who are new to FlowJo™ or who would like a refresher on the available tools.
- Theory part: 10am to 12 noon via Teams (April 15, Serena Di Cecilia, FlowJo Informatics, BD).
- Practical part on site: choice of 2 sessions with no more than 6 participants: 2-4.30pm (April 15) or 10am-12.30pm (April 16)
Course coordinators: Sandrine Schmutz and Pierre-Henri Commere (CB UTechS, Cytometry Platform)
Training contact:
Registering for a training course represents a commitment, especially since the number of places is limited because of the current COVID situation.
We would remind you that if you register for a training course, you must attend the entire course.
The costs of these training courses are covered for Institut Pasteur employees and OREX staff under the HR "Training and Skills Development" Plan.