March 08, 2024
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
Email signatures at the end of emails represent a virtual business card. They are a way of inserting information about the identity of the sender, practical information like addresses or contact details, and information about the institution.
Recently, at the request of the senior management team, the Department of Communications and Public Affairs, in collaboration with the Information Systems Department, has been working to harmonize email signatures to ensure uniformity and consistency for emails sent from Institut Pasteur email addresses. The idea is also to create an email signature that reflects the Institut Pasteur's visual identity and includes its current logotype.
Two institutional templates (one with just the Institut Pasteur logotype and the second with the Institut Pasteur logotype combined with the Hearing Institute logotype) are now available for you to incorporate into your signatures in Outlook. The templates have been designed to meet the following criteria:
• Compatibility with the current graphic standard (current logotype and Arial font)
• Inclusion of the logo to strengthen identification with the Institut Pasteur and promote a sense of belonging and community
• Logo large enough to be legible but not taking up too much space, with a resolution of 150 DPI in GIF format to minimize carbon footprint
• Choice of French of English (English should be the preferred option, especially for scientific positions) for brevity and clarity (except for members of the Senior Management Board and the Board of Governors and directors of Scientific Departments, who should use both languages)
• Based solely on the institutional logos (Institut Pasteur and Institut Pasteur/Hearing Institute) to ensure consistency among all signatures
To help you create your Institut Pasteur email signature, a tutorial video has been produced, outlining how to prepare a personalized signature by downloading the customizable template.
Download the template with the Institut Pasteur logo
Download the template with the Institut Pasteur and Hearing Institute logos
The two signature templates are also available in the communication tools on ePasteur