March 09, 2018
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
In response to the high number of deliveries of goods across campus each day, the Logistics & Security Department in the Technical Resources and Environment Department is pleased to inform you that you will soon be issued with a QR code for your Institut Pasteur badge. Each staff member will receive his or her individual QR code, printed on a sticker, by internal mail. As soon as you receive your code, you should stick it to the front (bottom right) of the new badge you were issued with last year.
This is a way of tracking all deliveries made to each department. It also means that delivery workers will no longer have to type in individual employee numbers on their handheld terminals, avoiding typos and saving them time.
A memo about the rollout of these QR codes is currently being distributed, along with your individual QR code to stick onto your badge. If you have any questions or require further information, please contact Jean-Christophe Detony: