Upcoming remote training: "Bibliographic tools – a practical guide"

•    Remote workshop: Bibliographic tools – a practical guide, Thursday May 19, 12 to 2pm (open to French- and English-speakers)

The aim of bibliography management software is to simplify the task of managing bibliographical references for scientists writing articles. With a host of software available – including EndNote, Mendeley, Sciwheel and Zotero –, how can you tell which will be best suited to your needs?

The workshop will help you find your way around bibliography management software by presenting the specific features of each of these tools.

This workshop is aimed at all those looking for guidance in choosing bibliography management software or switching to a new tool.

It is open to French- and English-speakers and will take place remotely via Microsoft Teams.

You do not need to sign up in advance: simply join us on Teams when it suits you between 12 noon and 2pm

Check out all CeRIS training

More information: biblioformation@pasteur.fr

