May 17, 2019
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The Information Systems Department has developed a new tool, the "IDEA" suggestion box, to give Institut Pasteur staff the opportunity to help improve IT services and make sure IT needs on campus are met as effectively as possible.
With this application, which can be accessed directly on Webcampus via Mon Portail de Services (My Service Portal) using the login and password for your Institut Pasteur IT account, you can:
Vote: vote for one or more ideas and see the newest or most popular ideas suggested by others. You have a total of ten votes that you can use to support your favorite ideas, up to a maximum of three votes per idea.
Comment: let others know what you think by submitting your opinion to the shared space via the "Post a comment" button.
Suggest an idea: submit a new idea with a simple click and add a description, details, a tag or an attachment.
Feel free to make suggestions, share your thoughts and vote for the ideas submitted by other employees so that we can work together to improve IT services on campus.
If you have any questions, please contact: 36 00 or