Human resources

Payment of a profit-sharing bonus and an additional one-off profit-sharing payment for the 2021 financial year

The choice period for the distribution of profit-sharing bonuses for the 2021 financial year has began on Tuesday May 1. Employees eligible for a profit-sharing bonus must indicate their payment choice for the individual 2021 bonus and the additional one-off payment until Friday May 27 at 5pm.


Your Natixis Interépargne personal site


In practice, the individual profit-sharing bonus and the additional profit-sharing payment

Under the profit-sharing agreement of January 9, 2020, all employees who have an employment contract with the Institut Pasteur and have accumulated at least three consecutive months of service during 2021 are eligible for the bonus.

The total amount available to be distributed under the profit-sharing scheme for 2021 is €268,638.

The total amount to be distributed for the additional one-off profit-sharing payment, as decided by the Board of Governors on a proposal from the senior management team, is €1,103,000.

The rules for distributing this additional amount are the same as for the profit-sharing scheme: the two amounts are distributed in full between the 2,484 eligible employees.

The full amount is divided equally among eligible employees, regardless of pay level but pro-rated for presence during the 2021 financial year.

Between Tuesday May 10 and Friday May 27 (by 5pm), beneficiaries must indicate their payment choice for the bonus AND for the additional payment directly online to Natixis Interépargne, the financial intermediary and manager for the Institut Pasteur's Company Savings Plan (PEE).

Three payment options available to eligible employees


Natixis will indicate the exact amount of the individual bonuses and additional profit-sharing payments to eligible staff via their personal site.

Staff have three options to choose from for the payment of their individual bonus:


Receive the payments directly (minus deductions for the General Social Contribution (CSG) and the Social Debt Repayment Contribution (CRDS)) by transfer to your bank or post office account. If you choose this option, the payments are treated as taxable income


Invest the full amount of your bonuses (minus the CSG and CRDS contributions) in a mutual fund under the Institut Pasteur Company Savings Plan, managed by Natixis
If the option of investing the bonus is chosen, the amounts will not be treated as taxable income but will be tied up in the employee's Company Savings Plan for five years (except in cases of early release provided for by law).

Unlike with voluntary payments to the Company Savings Plan, the Institut Pasteur does not make a matching employer contribution for the profit-sharing bonus if it is paid into the plan.


Or combine the two solutions – Company Savings Plan and direct payment.

You should indicate your choice directly online to Natixis Interépargne.




Stage 1: make sure you have an up-to-date Company Savings Plan account (to be verified, finalized or created).

Eligible employees will need a personal Company Savings Plan account that has been finalized and is up to date to be able to indicate their choice. They will need this account even if they choose to receive the bonus and/or additional payment directly.

Stage 2: indicate your choice online until May 27, 2022

On Tuesday May 10, each beneficiary received an email from Natixis ( to their Institut Pasteur or personal address (depending on the registered address for their Company Savings Plan account), announcing the start of the choice period. They can log into their personal Company Savings Plan site to see the exact amounts of their bonuses and indicate their preferred payment option for the bonus and the additional payment.

The choice period will run from Tuesday May 10 to Friday May 27 at 5pm.

You should indicate your choice online via your personal saver site on the secure Natixis website.

Please note that if you have not indicated your choice by May 27 at 5pm, in accordance with applicable legislation, the profit-sharing bonus and the additional one-off profit-sharing payment will automatically be paid into your Company Savings Plan, into the most secure investment fund.


Help and support


Natixis held a meeting via Teams on Tuesday May 17, 2022  for you to find out more about the Institut Pasteur's Company Savings Plan. 

To download the presentation

To find out more about the profit-sharing scheme and the results of the performance criteria, or to check out the frequently asked questions (FAQ), head to the relevant Webcampus pages, which contain detailed information on the topic.

The Company Savings Plan (PEE) section on the new HR FAQ platform contains also information about the scheme.

All information is available on Webcampus in French and English (click on the flag on the top left to change language if necessary).




For further information, please contact Natixis Interépargne, the financial intermediary and manager for our Company Savings Plan.

You can contact the Natixis Interépargne teams from Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6pm (excluding public holidays) on 02 31 07 74 00 (no surcharge – multilingual call center agents)

Personal saver site on Natixis Interépargne

A smartphone app, "Mon épargne salariale" (My Company Savings Plan), is also available to consult your account and perform online transactions

The website and smartphone app are available in 7 languages




