May 24, 2019
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The next "Start-up breakfast" session will take place on Tuesday June 11 at 8.30am in the Duclaux room, on the second floor of the Duclaux building.
This session will be hosted by Tuan Huy Nguyen, fondateur et président de Goliver Therapeutics.
After a career at INSERM in Paris and Nantes where he worked on inherited liver diseases such as the Crigler-Najjar syndrome and lentiviral vectors as therapeutic agents, he worked on innovative liver therapies using the infusion of liver cells. One of the bottleneck of liver cell therapy is to get a sufficient number of cells to treat patients. He then decided to produce mature liver cells from pluripotent stem cells and created GoLiverTx in order to produce GMP large amounts of hepatocytes, for clinical use.
The ambition of Goliver Therapeutics is to be able to start the first clinical trials soon.
Come and disocver a unique set of experiences !
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