May 03, 2024
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The Medical Department organizes "Pasteur-Medicine 4xQuarter-Hour" sessions, during which people from different backgrounds and with a range of experience (physicians, scientists, epidemiologists, CNR experts, etc.) come together to share their complementary views on a subject of interest for Institut Pasteur staff and also for partner colleagues from other institutes.
For the next edition on May 23, the theme will be "Leishmaniosis: unmet therapeutic needs," featuring:
• Pierre Buffet: The long way towards a child-friendly treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis
• Cléa Melenotte: Multi relapsing visceral leishmaniasis: a therapeutic dead end?
• Fabiana Alves: Tackling unmet therapeutic needs in leishmaniasis by collaborative drug development: the DNDi vision
• Gérald Spaeth: What can molecular parasitologists bring to the management of leishmaniasis?
The event will take place from 5 to 6pm in the François Jacob auditorium or via Teams.